I guess I have been taking an unplanned blogging break. I have been busy enjoying spring and all that it has to offer. Along with all the flowers and sunshine comes a busier season at school with fun activities and end of the year "stuff". I can't believe that there are only 3 weeks of school left!
I am including lots of pictures of some things we did on spring break, Easter, and just some everyday fun. We have been up to...
Growling like a lion.... Brayden was most excited to see the lions out of all the animals at the zoo.
We baked some Hummingbird Nests. The recipe is from Family Fun. I love that website!
Had an adorable Easter party at school. Did I mention that I love kindergarten?
A spring party is not complete without a potato sack race. I wanted to take some of these sacks home, but they did not offer any to me even after I talked about how cool they were. Bummer!
The annual family egg hunt was in our yard this year. We like to keep it interesting by hiding them in unexpected places.
Thanks for checking out what we have been up to. Can't promise my posts will be too regular until summer gets here. I can't wait to show you my foyer transformation though.