Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Visit with Santa and a Yummy Gingerbread Village

The kids were so excited to see Santa this year. Brayden did not like when we handed him to the strange man with the beard. He did not care to give him any Christmas wishes!

The kids were telling Santa all their wishes. Bryce says, "I ask Santa for all the expensive stuff since we don't have to pay for it." Good thinking Bryce!

This is my kids with their cousins outside in Santa's sleigh. It was so cold!

My little elves hard at work on their Christmas crafts.

That is a real tree behind us with tons of lights and the ornaments are huge! Very cool! How do they get all those up there???

Here is the start to our gingerbread village. Lots of colorful candy decorations!

We made them out of graham crackers "glued" together with melted sugar. I got the instructions out of the December Better Homes and Gardens magazine. I liked doing this better than using the gingerbread house kit. It was much better tasting. Each kid did their own house and picked what color they "painted" their house. Bryce picked blue...

Here is our little village all done and decorated. We used ice cream cones for the trees and covered them with icing. Makenna's house is the red one.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Elise said...

LOVE that Santa picture!! Very similar to ours. Hahaha!!!
I will have to remember that idea for the gingerbread houses. Those kits are so overpriced.
Hope y'all have a Merry Christmas!!

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Amy this is making me laugh... Fisher is crying in his santa picture too... It's got to be the age... hahahaha... When he's older you will laugh at this memory...

Amalia said...

Haha! I like the picture of "M&Ms and 'cookies' little village"! The cookies cereals are my favs and M& I adore them! Oh-lala, well done! The little village looks so colorful! Great job kids! ;)